Sunday, January 17, 2010

Weight Loss Tips, Over-Simplified ! ?

The Dietetic Association of Australia (DAA) suggests the following 10 tips for weight loss. These tips sound exactly like what you would here from the American Dietetic Assoc. (ADA) and many dietitians. As a dietitian (not a member of the ADA), let me tell you that tips like this are over-simplified. I believe that the majority of those who desire to lose weight and eat healthier are intelligent enough to understand a little more information. My comments to the original tips are in italics with revisions in bold.

1. Eat breakfast, which should not contain large amounts of sugar and simple carbs. Eating a high sugar breakfast prompts the adrenal fatigue cycle throughout your day. Leaving you tired and drained, looking for the next cup of coffee or sweet snack to pick yourself up.
Revision: Eat protein, whole grains and whole fruit for breakfast. Don't forget to hydrate.

2. Include vegetables or salad with lunch and dinner.
This does not mean, iceberg lettuce with bacon, cheese, and drown in dressing. Make sure to include dark leafy greans, such as spinach, loose leaf lettuces, or romaine. Fresh or frozen are always best, avoid canned vegetables. Add beans for even more protein and fiber.
Revision: Include larger portions of fresh and frozen vegetables at meals and incorporate more dark leafy greens into your salads. Skip the bacon, add less cheese and dressing, and include beans to boost protein and fiber.

3. Choose fruit and nuts as a snack, or other fiber and protein options.
Revision: Choose whole fruit (with skin) and nuts for snacks.

4. Replace full-fat food and drinks with reduced-fat alternatives. As long as the fat hasn't been replaced with more sugar and simple carbs, or other non-nutritive fillers. Minimize the amount of saturated animal fats you consume.
Revision: Replace trans fats (partially hydronated oils) and saturated fats with more monounsaturated fats and omega 3 food sources.

5. Choose wholegrain foods instead of more refined foods
This can be tricky with all the misleading labels on grain products. So, make sure the 1st ingredients is whole wheat flour, other whole grains, and brown rice. This does not include instant rice or oatmeal.
Revision: Choose whole grains and brown rice

6. Eat smaller serving sizes by using smaller plates and cups, order small portions, split meals, and fill half your plate with vegetables that are not starchy or fried.

7. Eat slowly and stop when you are satisfied, not stuffed full
Wait 20 minutes before getting another serving. It takes that long for your stomach to tell your brain that you have eaten.

8. Eat when you genuinely feel hungry, rather than for emotional or other reasons
If you are not sure why your hungry, wait 15 to 20 minutes and distract yourself with other things you need to do. If you are still hungry, eat a healthy snack or meal before you give in to a craving for junk food.

9. Swap sweetened drinks such as cordial, soft drink and juice with water
Revision: Avoid soft drinks, juice, and alcohol. Drink water before meals.

10. Eat your evening meals at a dinner table with the TV turned off.
Revision: Eat meals with others whenever possible, at a table, and turn off the TV.

I could extend the list or go into further explanation, but this is not meant to bore you, just to keep you better informed. If you want more clarification in any area, or have something to add, leave a comment or e-mail me directly.
